Welcome to the new blog. I've recently purchased my first smoker, the Weber Smokey Mountain, and I thought it was about time I wrote about my hobby. I haven't had a chance to fire it up yet so instead I'm going to post about some wonderful beef ribs I cooked up on my kettle grill last summer. The ribs were from Donald Russell.
The grill has been warming up for a few minutes now. I dumped the lit briquettes on top of the unlit ones, next to them is a metal tray full of water. This helps regulate the temperature while cooking.
If I was cooking meat straight on the grill for a long period it would also catch the fat and stop flare ups and burning.
Here I'm searing the ribs over a medium heat, about 10 minutes turning once. I had to do a bit of shuffling here, my cooking area wasn't big enough for all the ribs at once.
As always with a kettle grill the lid should be left down for actual cooking, I've only opened it up to take a photo.
The sauce is a mix of Cabernet Sauvignon and a good quality BBQ sauce, I would normally make my own but this was a weeknight and it was already getting late.
I've smothered the ribs with the sauce, next I got some foil and tightly covered the tray, making sure it was a reasonable seal.
Now the easy part. I stuck it on the grill (covered of course) and left it for an hour. After an hour I came back and turned the ribs, spooned some sauce from the tray over them, re-covered the tray and put them back in for another hour.
Here they are all done. They look pretty impressive I have to say. This was my first attempt at these and I'm pleased with the outcome.
This lot serves six people comfortably or four with seconds.
I served them with cornbread (that's the muffins) and a very good Macaroni Cheese recipe I got off Meemalee's Kitchen blog. These cornbread muffins were from a packet (Aunt Jemima®) but I prefer my own recipe which is a little bit lighter, but again I didn't really have the time to do it (okay I probably did but I was lazy).
Great first post. Your ribs look great!